
 Better Than the Birds & Bees:

Sex Ed for Parents and Caregivers

6 Monday evenings, 6:30-8 pm PST

October 21 - November 25, 2024

Thank you thank you for this little nook of revolution. A common theme I heard echoed in the small groups was how necessary and yet anomalous this gathering space felt.
— MW, L.A.

If you’re a parent or caregiver and are struggling to figure out how the F to talk to your kids about sex, you’re in the right place.

Welcome. You’re not alone. Like REALLY not alone.

Our kids are growing up, exploring, forming relationships, having experiences, coming to us with lots of questions - or, even more unnervingly, not coming to us with any questions at all.

Many of us feel ill-equipped, uncomfortable, and uncertain about how to stay connected to our kids during this time of rapid growth and exploration. How would we know to do better, when what we ourselves received probably fell somewhere on the spectrum from negligent to terrifying?

Better Than the Birds & Bees is for those of us who want to do better but don’t know where to start, or how.

In this circle, we will discuss how we can honestly and comfortably hold these vital conversations with the kids in our lives about bodies, consent, pleasure, touching oneself and others, sexuality, setting boundaries with kids and adults alike, as well as how we can communicate about our needs and perspectives to the other adults in their lives - and we’ll unpack the reasons we’re uncomfortable talking about it in the first place. 

God what a relief. I just cried and cried after class, and realized how much I’ve stuffed about my own history that’s kept me from even realizing that it can be different for my kids. I’m so thankful to have the space to untangle some of this. History need not repeat itself. Thank you so much for this.
— NJ, L.A.

Registration for BBB is a 2 part process:

1) Fill out the registration form below, AND

2) Send your chosen tuition to Pamela-Samuelson on Venmo.

I offer a scaled payment structure for BBB with three payment options rather than one fixed price. This structure makes it possible for more people to access these classes with community support, and provides an opportunity for those with more access to resources to support others. 

Please choose the option that feels appropriate to you and your circumstances.

  • Full fee, for those who are able to easily pay for "wants" and do not worry about securing basic necessities: $360

  • Middle fee, for those who have access to steady income and are confident about meeting basic needs: $240

  • Supported fee, for those whom the full or middle fees would impact ability to meet basic needs: $180

    By offering the highest amount that is both safe and appropriate for you, you are helping everyone who cannot pay at this time to access this class. Thank you!

No one turned away for lack of $, ever. If you need additional $ assistance, please let me know in your registration form.

Because of the confidential nature of the circle, it will be recorded and sent out to participants only.
Zoom link provided upon registration.